
Win When You Sell (And When You Move)

Win When You Sell (And When You Move)   If you’re trying to decide when to sell your house, there may not be a better time than this winter. Selling this season means you can take advantage of today’s strong sellers’ market when you make a move. Win When You Sell Currently, conditions are very favorable for current homeowners looking for a change. If you sell now, here’s...

What Does Being in a Sellers’ Market Mean?

Whether or not you’ve been following the real estate industry lately, there’s a good chance you’ve heard we’re in a serious sellers’ market. But what does that really mean? And why are conditions today so good for people who want to list their house? It starts with the number of houses available for sale. The latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR)...

Real Estate: It’s Still a Lack of Supply, Not a Lack of Demand

One of the major questions real estate experts are asking today is whether prospective homebuyers still believe purchasing a home makes sense. Some claim rapidly rising home prices are impacting demand and, by extension, leading to the recent slowdown in sales activity. However, demand isn’t the real issue. Instead, it’s the lack of supply (homes available for sale). An article from the Wall Street...

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